the starter pack / week 6



There is No Finish Line

Health and wellness isn't a sprint - it's a marathon. From the beginning of The Starter Pack, I didn't just want to tell you what to do, but "how" and "why" so that you continue the journey on your own.


Training Focus

The Championship - Final Push

Building off of last week's athletic training but with a few more challenges to push you past the final finish line stronger than you were on Day 1.



Keep Moving Forward


Take some time to reflect on your progress over the past 6 weeks, what worked, what didn't work, and which habits are sustainable to you so that you can keep moving forward.



Navigating the External Relationships with Food


Learn how to navigate the external relationships with your nutrition when traveling, eating out with friends, and over the holidays.

These moments of eating can be stressful, especially if you fear that you’ll fall off track. I provide some key strategies to be more mindful so you can enjoy these meals without feeling guilty or that you have to “cancel” out those calories with exercise.

But remember, health and wellness is a lifelong journey and drinks with friends, that fried chicken spot, dessert after dinner, and holiday feasts are all a part of life - so enjoy them! One meal, one day, one week even, won’t set you back. Here’s how.



Overtraining & Under-Recovering


Working out has countless health benefits, but did you know that working out too frequently without adequate rest could actually hinder your progress and have profound effects on other aspects of your health?

Not only will you start to plateau in your training (or get injured) but you may also see negative changes in your energy, mood, resting heart rate, appetite, and menstrual cycle for example.

Here’s how to prevent overtraining and some vital signs to recognize that you need to take a step back.


Lower Body

⏲ 50-65 min

Total Body &
Core Strength

60-75 min

Upper Body Plyos

⏲ 45-55 min


Active Recovery
& Mobility

20-30 min

The Championship - Bodyweight Burnout Benchmark

⏲ 35-45 min


you finished the program…

now what?


☑️ 31 out of 31 Workouts

🗓️ 6 out of 6 Weeks

Feel free to send me your progress or reach out with any questions to @darrentomasso or!