the starter pack / week 3



Recognize & Celebrate Small Wins

My mantra is "Win Your Day." It's a mindset that encourages the celebration of small wins that sustain long term momentum, motivation, and forward progress.

But before you can celebrate them, it's important that you can recognize them.


Training Focus

Strength Starter

Strength training is so much more than lifting heavy weights and no, it won't make you "bulky." Strength training is for everybody and has countless benefits - no matter your goals.

If you're feeling stronger, you're going to approach life with more energy, vigor, and confidence - I guarantee that.



less is more


Do you feel like you need to do more to get faster results? Here's why it's better to give 80% more often than trying to give it 100% every day and burning out.



“restrictive” eating


Let's discuss time restricted eating windows and making small changes to limit certain food items that are high in sugar or that are enriched, fortified, and refined. These foods tend be heavily processed, striped of their nutrient quality and fiber, and filled with unnecessary ingredients. Eating these foods in excess can make you feel fatigued and hungry again, sooner.

Pro-Tip: Pay attention to buzzwords on seemingly "healthy" foods and snacks. That protein bar may be "organic," "gluten-free," and "plant-based," but what is actually in them? The shorter the ingredient list, the better.



Alleviate Workout Soreness


Don't let delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) make you skip a training session. Progress comes from your recovery efforts so train hard, but use these tips to recover harder.


Total Body Strength
& Sprints #1

⏲ 30-40 min

Strength Endurance
& Conditioning

35-45 min

Strength Supersets
& Dynamic Core #1

⏲ 50-60 min


Conditioning &
Core Conditioning

30-40 min

Active Recovery &
Mobility, & Running

⏲ 30 min


key tips


Paradigm Shift - Focus on What Really Matters

Health and wellness is a $4.2 trillion industry. That new juice cleanse, that fancy piece of equipment, or those magic beans may be all the hype right now, but are you getting the basics down?

Stick to the the steadfast basics because remember, less is more.

Guided Stretching Recovery Session

Here's a fully guided extended stretching session you can save and run through whenever you need to promote recovery, blood flow, circulation, and flexibility.

Foam Rolling

The foam roller is an underrated and inexpensive piece of equipment that you’ve probably seen at the gym collecting cobwebs.

Rolling every day can increase blood flow and circulation to your tissues to help stimulate your muscles before a training session and deliver them vital nutrients needed to recover and relax after a training session. Foam rolling can also increase your range of motion and help with pain reduction.

Here are some key areas to foam roll before and after training session, first thing in the morning, before going to bed, and really, whenever.

☑️ 14 out of 31 Workouts

🗓️ 3 out of 6 Weeks

Feel free to send me your progress or reach out with any questions to @darrentomasso or!