the starter pack / week 5
The Quest for Athletic Prowess
Week 5 is going to channel your inner-athlete. The athletic mindset is about finding balance to keep you physically and mentally durable and resilient -- not trying to give it your all 100% of the time, but knowing when to go hard, and when you need to take a step back. Here's why.
Training Focus
Putting it all Together - Building Overall Athleticism
"Stay in the Game" with Positive Realism
Carbs aren't the enemy. You need high quality carbs because they are your main energy source (glycogen) when you work out. Carbs are readily stored in your muscles for energy and having enough carbs ensures that muscle stays intact.
When you don't have enough glycogen stores, exercise is fueled by protein and fats which are inefficient energy sources.
This will affect the quality of your workouts since you won’t be able to train as hard or as long. It will also affect your recovery since the protein you consume is being used for fuel instead of muscle synthesis and repair.
"Bullet-Proofing" your Body with Prehab
Lower Body Plyometrics
⏲ 50 min
Athletic Conditioning
⏲ 40-50 min
Upper Body Plyos
⏲ 40-50 min
Compound Strength Supersets & Core Strength
⏲ 50-60 min
⏲ 35-45 min
active recovery
& mobility
⏲ 20-30 min
key tips
How to Add Variety with a Broomstick
Paradigm Shift - Embrace Failure
☑️ 26 out of 31 Workouts
🗓️ 5 out of 6 Weeks
Feel free to send me your progress or reach out with any questions to @darrentomasso or!