the starter pack / week 1



just get started

Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started, but you're here. So let's start small and focus on what matters right here, right now.


Training Focus

Eccentrics, Isometrics, & Strength Endurance Part 1

This week is all about slowing down the tempo, focusing on control, and increasing time under muscular load. Not only will this build your overall work capacity, aka your strength endurance, but it will solidify your movement patterns for later weeks.

Learn more about the three phases of muscular contractions, the benefits of tempo training, and what to expect for your first week of training.

Also, be sure to check out this week's additional training tips so you get the most out of our movements - and the program.



prioritize your health


Invest in yourself, your body, and your mind by making your workouts and health a priority.

Pro-Tip: Schedule time in advance, review and write down each workout the night before a training session. This way you can get right to work without missing a beat.



context matters


Foods are neither "good" nor "bad." Learn why the context around those foods and the internal dialogue around our eating habits are what really matters.

Pro-Tip: Use this week to collect a baseline set of data about your eating habits from a place without judgment.



Setting Consistent Sleep Habits


Most people don't sleep enough and that has more negative impacts on your holistic health than you may think.

Learn how quality sleep affects the other aspects of your health and decision making, and how to set more consistent sleep habits with some of my favorite methods for a more restful night's sleep.

Also, sleep more.


Conditioning Benchmark

⏲ 30-40 min

Upper Body Eccentrics & Isometrics #1

⏲ 40-50 min

Lower Body Eccentrics & Isometrics #1

⏲ 50-60 min

Full Body Strength Endurance & Conditioning #1

35-45 min

key tips


8 Foundational Movement Patterns

I like to have my clients moving and feeling like athletes. We'll do this by mastering these 8 foundational movement patterns that will have your body moving as a fully integrated unit.

Master the basics and we'll add variety from there.


Squat and Deadlift Technique for Better Movement Quality

Quick video on how to improve your deadlift and squat technique. Too often, I find people mistake a deadlift with a squat, and their movement becomes a bit more “quad-dominant.” Strengthening the back of your legs though (aka your Posterior Chain), is important for building strength and better posture.

This broomstick hack is a go-to of mine that I use to teach motor control with my clients. The key is to push back and hinge through your hips to engage their hamstrings & glutes while maintaining a neutral spine when deadlifting or squatting. I hope it helps!


Hacking the Push-Up

A lot of times I find that people's technique is holding them back from mastering the push-up – not their strength.

Here are some quick tips and form fixes to improve your push-up once and for all. I also provide a different push-up modification that builds more control and strength than the standard knee push-up.

Paradigm Shift - Training with Purpose vs. Working Out

Connect with your greater purpose to reconnect you with your movement.

☑️ 4 out of 31 Workouts

🗓️ 1 out of 6 Weeks

Feel free to send me your progress or reach out with any questions to @darrentomasso or!