the starter pack / week 4



hone in

This week is all about navigating the internal dialogues with your health and creating better relationships with your training, body, and what you put into it.


Training Focus

Compound Strength

Week 4 adds layers of difficulty to those base movement patterns and mobility drills you've been mastering. Look for exercises that require multiple joints and muscles to work together in integration, rather than in isolation.



Incorporate More Mindful Moments


Learn the benefits of daily mindfulness and how you can practice within habits and routines you already have in place, because finding time to meditate and sit still with your thoughts can be challenging... and scary, at first.



Navigating the Internal Relationships with Food


I believe that everyone should enjoy the heck out of what we eat without having immense feelings of guit. This week you'll hone in on your internal diaglogues with food to create better, healthier, and sustainable relationships with your eating.

I'll provide you three strategies to try out and discuss how mindful eating can help you slow down, internalize, and enjoy your food. Bonus: these strategies can also leave you feeling more satiated, and improve nutrient extraction and digestion.

I also share my approach to "cheat days."



The Art of Relaxation


We're constantly bombarded with external stimuli and stressors which can give us the feeling of always being "on," (which has been especially evident in 2020).

This week, we'll talk about how to facilitate your parasympathetic nervous system, (your "rest and relaxation" mode), and get you out of your sympathetic nervous system (your "fight or flight" mode) that can cause chronic stress and other negative health complications.


Total Body Strength
& Sprints #2

⏲ 40-50 min

Strength Supersets
& Dynamic Core #2

60-70 min


⏲ 30-40 min

Strength & Core

50-60 min


⏲ 35 min

active recovery
& mobility

⏲ 20-30 min

key tips


How to Add Variety to Base Movement Patterns pt. 1

Let’s learn how to add variety to your base upper body movement patterns so that you can perform them after The Starter Pack wherever you are and with whatever you have access to.

Create a Mindful "Pre-Game" Ritual

This week, try creating a "pre-game" ritual before your training sessions to help flip the switch from that "work from home mode" and into your "workout from home" mode.

Caffeine and Pre-Workout Supplementation

Caffeine can provide short term energy, but what are the effects of over-caffeination on your health and hormones in the long term?

Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system and alters several of your body's hormones like adrenaline, dopamine, and cortisol, your body's stress hormone.

Be mindful of how much and when you intake caffeine as it can affect aspects of your health like your heart rate, digestion, sleep quality, and training.

Listen for some quick tips and alternatives as well as my take on "pre-workout" supplements.

☑️ 20 out of 31 Workouts

🗓️ 4 out of 6 Weeks

Feel free to send me your progress or reach out with any questions to @darrentomasso or!