WEEK 5 / DAY 3

Upper Body Plyos

40-50 min


↻ 1 Set
No Rest

x10 Scapular Rotations Each Direction

x10 Scapular Retractions and Protractions

x20 Crab Reaches



warm-up #2

↻ 1 Set
No Rest

x1 Dynamic Core Matrix

Perform 6 reps on each exercise on each side when applicable: High Plank Shoulder Taps, Side Plank Knee Drive and Leg Raise, Flying Plank, Hollow Body Rock, Glute Bridge Walkout

x6 Bent Over Scarecrows

To modify: Perform standing upright

x1:00 Reverse Snow Angels

Strength & Power Contrasting #1

↻ 4 Sets
0:20 Rest Between Drills
1:30 Rest Between Sets

x5-8 Explosive Push-Ups

To modify: Perform on knees

x8 Hand Release Push-up

To modify: perform a bench or floor press if you have weights

Strength & Power Contrasting #2

↻ 4 Sets
1:00 Rest Between Sets

x10 Single Arm Lawnmower Row Each Arm

To modify: use heavy weights or bands

x20 Step Pack Power Pull Each Arm

Strength & Power Contrasting #3

↻ 4 Sets
1:00 Rest Between Sets

x5 3-Way Shoulder Press

1 rep = 1 center + 1 rotating press each direction

x20 "Push" Presses

To modify: use bands or DBs



↻ 2 Sets
No Rest Between Sets

x12 Plank Tricep Extensions


x12 Bodyweight Bicep Curl Each Arm

core finisher

↻ 2 Sets
No Rest Between Sets

x8 Single Leg Sit-Up Twist Each Side

Perform reps on one side. 2 second lower each rep

x12 High Plank Walkouts

x16 Leg Raises


↻ 1 Set

x10 Scapular Retractions and Protractions

x10 Scapular Rotations Each Direction

x10 Laying Shoulder Sweeps Each Arm

x10 Kneeling Overhead Reach to Side Bends

x0:30 Overhead Thoracic Spine Mobility
