WEEK 4 / DAY 2

Strength Supersets & Dynamic Core #2

60-70 min


↻ 1 Set
No Rest

x8 Wide Stance Hip Rockers

x8 Down Dog Knee Drive Each Leg

x10 Down Dog Arm Reach Each Arm


↻ 1 Set
No Rest

x1 Dynamic Core Matrix

Perform 10 reps on each exercise on each side when applicable: High Plank Shoulder Taps, Side Plank Knee Drive and Leg Raise, Flying Plank, Hollow Body Rock, Glute Bridge Walkout

x20 Open Chain Glute Bridges

Single Leg Strength & Power Progressions

↻ 2 Sets
1:00 Rest Between Sets

x5 Runner's Squat Each Leg

4 sec. eccentric lowering each rep

x0:20 Split Stance Jump Progressions Each Leg

Pause at bottom for 4 sec. each rep

Superset #1

↻ 3-4 Sets
1:00 Max Rest Between Sets

x4 Rotation Squats

1 rep = center + rotate right + center + rotate left

x8-10 Rotation Lunges Each Leg

Superset #2

↻ 3-4 Sets
1:00 Max Rest Between Sets

x10 Spider Push-Ups

10 reps total. To modify: perform on knees. To modify: perform a bench or floor press if you have weights

x15 Single Arm Lawnmower Row Each Arm

superset #3

↻ 3-4 Sets
1:00 Max Rest Between Sets

x8-10 Runner's Deadlifts Each Leg

x10 Heel Elevated Glute Bridges

integrated core strength

↻ 3 Sets
0:30 Rest Between Sets

x20 Side Plank Rows Each Arm

x20 Hollow Body Overhead Press

x20 Single Arm Hollow Body Press



↻ 1 Set

x0:30 Rotating Child's Pose

x0:20 Downward Facing Dog

x0:30 Overhead Thoracic Spine Mobility

x0:20 Figure 4 Stretch Each Leg

x0:20 Laying Hip Stretch Each Leg

x0:20 Hamstring Floss Each Leg