WEEK 3 / DAY 3
Strength Supersets & Dynamic Core #1
⏲ 50-60 min
↻ 1 Set
No Rest
x5 Walkouts
x8 3D Pigeon Stretch
x8 Down Dog Knee Drive Each Leg
x8 Down Dog Arm Reach Each Arm
Do reps on one side first.
↻ 1 Set
No Rest
x1 Dynamic Core Matrix
Perform 8 reps on each exercise on each side when applicable: High Plank Shoulder Taps, Side Plank Knee Drive and Leg Raise, Flying Plank, Hollow Body Rock, Glute Bridge Walkout
↻ 1 Set
No Rest
x15 Step Downs Each Leg
2 second lower, 2 seconds up. Hold at bottom for 10 seconds every 5th rep
x15 Single Leg Back Elevated Bridge Each Leg
2 second lower, 2 seconds up. Hold at top for 10 seconds every 5th rep
Hamstrings & Glutes Superset
↻ 3 Sets
Rest as Needed
x8-10 Deadlifts
To modify: use moderate to heavy weights or bands
x12 Single Leg Deadlifts Each Leg
To modify: use moderately heavy weights or bands
Single Leg Strength & Stability Superset
↻ 3 Sets
Rest as Needed
x6 Single Leg Squat to Box
2 second lower. To modify up: hold weight. To modify down: controlled lower on one leg, stand up on both.
x10 Step-Ups Each Leg
To modify: use moderate to heavy weights or bands
↻ 3 Sets
Rest as Needed
x8 Judo Push-up
To modify: elevate feet on a sturdy surface.
x8 Standing 3-Way Rotating Press
1 rep = center + right + left. To modify: use moderate to heavy weights or bands
x8 Bent Over Y Raise to Lat Pull
2 sec. hold at top of Y Raise and Lat Pull. To modify: hold light DBs or household objects
core giant set
↻ 2 Sets
0:30 Rest Between Sets
x12 Hollow Body Rocks
x12 High Plank Shoulder Taps
x12 Side Plank Leg Lifts Each Side
x12 Flying Planks
x20 Glute Bridge March
↻ 1 Set
x0:30 Downward Facing Dog
x0:20 Thread the Needle Each Side
x0:30 Overhead Thoracic Spine Mobility
x0:20 Figure 4 Stretch Each Leg
x0:20 Laying Hip Stretch Each Leg
x0:20 Hamstring Floss Each Leg